Tuesday, December 25, 2018

DIY Kingdom Hearts Resin Coasters

I made these Kingdom Hearts coasters for my friend for Christmas out of resin:

DIY Cakebox (take 2)

I made this cakebox out of colored hot glue using a low-temp hot glue gun for another one of my boyfriend's relatives. 😄🍰🎂 I have silicone molds to make different "whipped" shapes so I used the glue gun to melt the glue into the molds and once they hardened, I glued it to the box.

I started with a wooden box and painted the inside and added scrapbook paper and washi tape to decorate it.  Once the inside was decorated, I coated it with a soft-touch varnish to seal and protect it.

DIY Buffalo Bills Tie Clips, Pins, & Cuff Links

I made a set of Buffalo Bills tie clips, pins, and cuff links for my boyfriend and his brother since they are still huge Bills fans.  I scaled and cut out the pictures after printing them on resin-resistant photo paper and then I added a coat of resin.  I pre-treated the bezel with black nail polish that I got from the dollar store so you can see a very narrow black rim around the images.

I totally made the novice mistake of not realizing that men's button up shirts button differently than women's button-up shirts... so the first batch I made had the images upside down so I redid everything with the correct orientation of the pictures for men's and now I also have a buffalo bills tie clip 😂

Candy Instruments Assembled

We presented the instruments with sheets covering it and had the recipients unravel it since these were too big for me to wrap up 😅

DIY Candy Guitar

I made this life-sized guitar out of candy as a Christmas gift for another one of my boyfriend's cousins.  🍬🍭🍫 This one is mostly made out of chocolate.

Like the drum set, the base is made of Styrofoam board and all the pieces of candy were attached on with a low temp hot glue gun.

DIY Candy Drum Set

I don't think this has ever been done before but this is a life-sized drum set made out of (mostly) candy.  🍬🍭🍫 The base is made with Styrofoam board and the pieces that look like candy canes are made up of painted wooden dowels with red and green washi tape wrapped around it to make it look like candy canes. 

This was made as a Christmas gift for my boyfriend's cousin so we put his band logo on the bass drum.  We used 400 mini hot glue gun sticks to complete this!

DIY Christmas Ornaments (take 4)

These I made for my friend/boss who loves her Starbucks and is a big fan of the Yankees.

DIY Christmas Ornaments (take 3)

More Christmas ornaments that I made for my boyfriend's relatives. 

I tried to make the ornament based off of their favorite color and I used whatever pictures I had to make the ornaments.

DIY Christmas Ornaments (take 2)

I made these for my boyfriend's parents for Christmas.  I used clear, iridescent glass ornaments and filled the inside with acrylic paint and did a gravity drain while keeping the ornament upside down after all the inner surface of the ornament was covered with paint. 

 I took their family photos and printed them on resin resistant photo paper, cut out the pictures as circles and domed the pictures with a doming resin.

After the resin cured, I lined the domed photos with a trimming ribbon and added other embellishments to complete the design.  I also painted the ornament cap gold because it was originally silver and that just didn't look right with the gold design.

DIY Christmas Ornaments (take 1)

Buffalo Bills ornaments that I made for my boyfriend for Christmas.  I mixed photos of Bills logos and players for the ornaments.

DIY Resin Coasters

These are resin coasters I made for my mother using stickers that she got me years ago that I recently found. I did 2 layers of res...